Sunday, 29 August 2010

a full on pants rant of epic proportions

so tonight some of us were worried about a friend of ours who hadn't been heard of for a while and we were wondering where he was. so we ask about and then it transpires that we have all been warned off "Bothering "him by someone that none of us know. this has ruffled a few feathers let me tell you.
certain things you need to know dear idiot.
number one who the hell gives you the right to dictate who we can or can't ask about?
i for one hold all my twitter friends in the highest of regard and would worry about any of them if i hadn't heard from them.when i wasn't on there for a while it was a lovely feeling to know that people had actually missed and worried about me.
he is our friend as well as yours and you certainly do not have a monopoly on his time none of us do. all we want to know is that he is safe and well. not because we are a bunch of fucking ambulance chasers waiting for the next car crash of events but because we care .
so don't you dare tell us who we can and can not ask about. don't you dare tell us people that i doubt you even follow to keep our noses out of his business and don't you dare ever try and tell us who we can or can't worry about or be concerned about.
who the fucking hell gave you the right to be that damn rude to people you don't even know. how dare you you bloody ignorant excuse of a human being.
no one upsets my friends and yes i class each and everyone of the people on there that i have the privilege to know and talk to as a friend. and you madam have now pissed off a whole lot of people x
and no damn one tells me or anyone who we can't be concerned about or care about.
so try and engage your brain next time before you tweet.
you know who you are. we know who you are and i for one really don't like your holier than fucking thou attitude.
so next time love sit on your damn hands .

the pants have spoken.

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