Sunday, 23 January 2011

a little thought about opinions and jokes

 so this has had me thinking . people on twitter getting slammed for opinions that other less maybe intelligent people fail to see has light hearted humor . now not everyone tweets about the same thing on there . some people use it as a networking thing , others to meet new people and share views . some as another way to stalk the stars that appear on there z list or other wise , while other people use it to berate these so called stars for their imperfections . personally i think it should be used however the person using this social networking sight ( for really thats what it is ) feel like using it .

saying that people will take offence sometimes. so baring that in mind here's my thoughts on the whole thing. now there are certain buttons on twitter the unfollow/follow button, the block button . now you see someting you dont like unfollow the person and block them . why does anyone see fit to virtually jump up and down like an offended mary whitehouse shaking a handbag for gods sake. it's an opinion. if you dont like it don't read it simple  .
now the other side of the coin goes a little something like this. maybe we should only make judgements or joke about things that we have experience in . in that case i have been a very tame little tweeter in the past. maybe from now on i shall tweet opinions about things i have experience with. here's a list of what you might expect.
domestic violence
mental breakdowns
small willies
self harming
banana's ( long painful story )

anyway the moral of this blog is that no two people are the same .
no one should force an opinion down any one elses throat
and no one person is any better than the next

and the biggest lesson is

the pants have spoken

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