ok finally after a small rant on twitter i am here only took five attempts to let me in so thanks for that. as if being mind numbingly bored isn't enough i now have to face being ridiculed by a password fantastic. so yes folks you guessed it i am bored and when i get bored i ramble so im bored and rambling having spellt every second word wrong and leaving out all of the punctuation as you do if you are me and known to flout the rules of English language.
It's bad when your bored your mind wanders you look about and wonder what to do next . so ive tried watching twitter, ive listened to a film while watching twitter . ive even shhh dont tell anyone but i even went on face book eekk . does this mean that i will now be outed as a traitor to the twitter cause ? bollocks does it. it just means i was so bored i was multi tasking while seated at my desk . it happens most nights . it'a a talent i can send a text write a tweet poke a friend and answer the phone all from the comfort of my squeaking desk chair .
i got so bored earlier that i went and had a bath . yes i do bath not just when im bored . but today it got to about three this afternoon , i had flung washing into the flatulent machine , well if you call flinging anything taking things out of the fluffy ones laundry basket by my finger tips , separating the boxers from the trousers and then nudging them into the machine with my foot . the Ariel liquid tab decided that it was a reincarnation of a lemming two attempts to get it to stay in the machine . thank god for my ninja powers throw tab into machine and slam the door with lightening speed before it lands on the floor with a wet splat sound .
anyway up stairs i wandered to the bathroom the only decently decorated room in pants palace and ran a bath. now why is it that you put your hand in ok it's a hot bath but it's a good heat . then you climb into it . as soon as your foot touch's the water instant burning , but you can take it . maybe it wont be so bad if you put the other foot in . so you do and no it's still stripping the skin off your other ankle. but it's ok because if you lower yourself into the water your body will get used to it . so you do slowly and carefully employing the breathing that you should have learnt in parenting classes if you had ever attended any lower yourself into this steaming cauldron of pain. ok its hot so hot that if you were in the jungle this would be a pot on a fire and naked Pigmy's would be chopping vegetables into it and dancing . parts of you have now gone from glowing healthily to an angry mottled red and you daren't move . now you resemble a patchwork quilt of human nakedness red from the waste down white from the waist up .
maybe it will get better when you lie back ? seriously why does anyone think that ? does anyone but me think that ? probably not come to think about it . so deep breath and lower more of yourself into this water trying not to scream . it was no wonder really that i felt so light headed after i had come out of the bath red faced pink body'd and squeaky clean really . i think the only thing worse than a hot bath is one when the water goes cold half way through and you dont have anymore hot water in the tank . then you lie there and shiver not daring to move untill the heating comes back on and yes i have done that to.
so in conclusion as with everything in this life bath water has its own mind . it's out to get me . just like this computer that i seem to have a love hate can't live without it relationship with . well this has been fun . feel free to comment snigger laugh think i've lost the plot i have its called bordom .
until next time folks the pants have left the building .
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