Monday, 28 October 2013

the naming of the poo

as you will be aware at pants palace four cats reside. this means four different types of cat poo, four types of gut wrenching vomit producing smell. so in an effort to A, work out the culpret of said smell and B, to make the task of the grand scrap more amusing i named the individual poos.

!, the poots maneuver - made by the oldest and most diva like of the cats Putin.

2, the widgey squit - this is produced with the added vomit smell by the second cat widget.

3, the mondo teaser - looks like a malteaser  and given to us daily by the big furry gizmo.

4, the jinxster pasty - named this way because it rhymes with ginster but smells nothing like a pasty.

so yes we are a house of cat lovers and nicknamers and so even the poo's have their own identities .

enjoy your meals.

pants out.

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