Monday, 28 October 2013

the naming of the poo

as you will be aware at pants palace four cats reside. this means four different types of cat poo, four types of gut wrenching vomit producing smell. so in an effort to A, work out the culpret of said smell and B, to make the task of the grand scrap more amusing i named the individual poos.

!, the poots maneuver - made by the oldest and most diva like of the cats Putin.

2, the widgey squit - this is produced with the added vomit smell by the second cat widget.

3, the mondo teaser - looks like a malteaser  and given to us daily by the big furry gizmo.

4, the jinxster pasty - named this way because it rhymes with ginster but smells nothing like a pasty.

so yes we are a house of cat lovers and nicknamers and so even the poo's have their own identities .

enjoy your meals.

pants out.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

things that fall apart when your ill

i have been ill for a week now. in and out of bed not being able to be comfortable anywhere for long periods of time, shivering or sweating aching popping painkillers like the world is about to end. i havent felt this ill in years.
so while i have been ill who do you think has looked after the house?
well for the first two days while i was in bed resident male spent the whole of the time watching 158 episodes of dragonball z in his dressing gown.
did he do any washing ?
Did he hoover at all?
did he tidy anything?
did he steam the kitchen floor?

did he fuck!!!!!

the carpets have more cat fur and bits of broken cat claw on them than it should be possible to have stuck to a carpet. the kitchen floor is a nasty minging mess. in fact by wednesday the fluffy one asked the teen to come over to cook his tea for him.

ok so admittedly he has washed some clothes now and hung most of them out. it is glaringly obvious that i am ill. we even ran out of cat food and loo roll at one point.
he did try to look up on the computer what i most likely had and managed to narrow it down to the following.

bone cancer
norvo virus
or maybe the flu

what little faith i have in him being able to do anything with out having the instructions spoon fed him first several times has now left.this is a human being for which the word initiative didnt just simpley pass him by. it ran screaming in the opposite direction .
i have a lot of things to do when im better i hope to god that is before we turn into an episode of horders,

pants out

Monday, 7 October 2013

so the world's going mental on thursady is it

apparently it's world mental health day on thursday.
should i as a person who suffers mental illness be pleased about this? maybe i should as this is the day that makes public the fact that people are suffering. it's a poor mans live aid for the dribbley.
yes i just went there, yes i did just say that and no i'm not about the apologize for it either.
to be honest what does having a day like that accomplish?
will it send the shiver of horror down the necks of those wonderful governmental departments that would like to put us all in the same box as the work shy ? nope shouldn't think so.
will it make anyone think about mental health and the effect it has on how people struggle to lead a normal and for filled life ?  i doubt because the only people who know about this day will be the ones and their families that suffer with this. it's not about to change the perspective of anyone else who thinks having a mental illness is just a bunch of slightly bad days clubbed together a bit like having the flu.
so what is the point of mental health awareness day?
and when exactly will it be national lets all fart in a crowded lift day?
or national pick your nose on a bus day.
they say a dog is for life not just for christmas well so is being stuck with as mental illness.
it's not just for one day and having a day publishing this isn't going to bloody help.
i will now sit back and wait for the arse kicking.
just remember it's an opinion on a blog.
my opinion my blog.
pants out.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

me again and other lame introductions

i think this must be the longest i have been away from the virtual world. Strangely leaving was easy, well anything is if your getting a little disenchanted  with just about everything.
so you decide to have this great social experiment called life.
This involved alot of knit one, pearl one ,drop one, and no i don't mean farting. i moved the front-room round when i say moved round, what i mean is i stood in the middle of the room pointed, barked orders and eventually gave my approval.
I also had one of those days about a month ago. You know the sort of days when you go into the pet shop to buy cat litter and come out with cat litter and a kitten. She is called Jinx. so that would be cat number four then.
I will try to be more interesting in the future.
or more grumpy what ever comes first,

Is it wrong that i am nervous about going back on line to the world of the tweet????

give me a moment i may have left my spare pair of testicles down the side of the sofa with the spare cat fluff and a ten pence piece.