so right now i sit here looking rather Dickensian wrapped in a blanket in my arctic palace , a thoughtful smile and a mug of tea as i write this.
yes its damn chuffing cold right now but i have realized in these last couple of weeks that it's the small things that happen which make life special. moments like the welcome hug you get after four hours on a coach with a small fluffy nine yr old who suffers from travel sickness . it's the feeling that your home in another house with people that you have quickly grown the love and respect . it's watching your small fluffy son who is scared around dogs become best buddies with not one but two dogs over a weekend of walks and games . then seeing him sitting on the sofa with a dog on his lap and a smile on his face and the feeling of pride you get when you know that he has overcome a fear and you were there when he did .
then there are the unexpected phone calls from someone . Maybe they are a friend that just seems to know when you need them and they phone to see how you are . right now i can say that i am lucky enough to have friends like these that make me smile and that i thank my lucky stars i have them in my life.
i have to say that i'm not used to having such good friends around me . it's still a new thing for me to have people that i can trust with my thoughts. even so i am always mindful of maybe somehow disappointing them and loosing their respect and their trust. it is with this in mind that the next bit is written.
because there are also those times that you want to lock away from the world and keep inside yourself . those times when someone special calls out of the blue and makes you smile that little bit brighter. those moments when you see them and for a moment the world tilts a little until they hug you. then it's ok again. times when they call you to see what your doing and then the weekend that you had imagined being on your own changes. i have just had one of those weekends. from the surprise call, that first panic when you suddenly realize that you look like a bit of a train wreck and they are on their way . you can't locate your makeup , your underwear doesn't match and there is a hole in your sock. yes its stupid after all they have seen you first thing in the morning but you still want to look your best even after all this time and all the complications that have gone along.
and then they are there and you are on your way to spending the weekend at their home and the hole in your sock doesn't matter at all. then the weekend is just an album of snap shots . being curled up infront of a film wrapped around each other a smudge of melted chocolate down your jumper that he thinks is cute and rather funny. falling asleep with your head on their shoulder and only waking once they have stolen the whole of the duvet and parts of you are in danger of hyperthermia. shopping in the cold and walking hand in hand with them, with the hand that they are holding kept warm by not only their hand but in the pocket of their coat as well. sensing them watching you and glancing over to see them smile at you . it's those times when you really know that your lucky .
so dear readers it's those little things , those special times with friends and the people that count in your life that make you blessed. it's not money or grand gestures . it's the little things that make the big things special .
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