Friday, 1 October 2010

the curse of the follow friday

 yes it's friday in twitterville and that can only mean one thing . follow friday is upon us again. having missed the last three fridays and not having mentioned anyone at all i lay awake last night and wondered how i would get through another friday without doing a follow friday . you see i have tried wrting a list of all the people that i follow , my hand cramped i spelt several of the names wrong and i gave myself a headache . it was suggested i make a list and put all my favorite people on it and then link it to something although i'm not sure what i was supposed to link it to. anyone that knows me  will understand that i'm not technically minded in fact my tiny little brain doesn't work like that . so in stead here is what i have come up with a blog that says thank you for following , listening and enjoying what i do .


to all of you that i speak to and laugh with,
to everyone who enjoys my blogging.
you all make my life that much brighter.
you have never judged me and have always excepted me for who i am .
so this goes out to everyone of you.
i can't thank you all enough for making me feel like i belong somewhere.
 now i'm a part of something great and it's you guys that have made it for me . so thank you everyone .
now my days aren't quite as lonely or long as they were .
 and it's all down to the people of twitter who have made me smile and laugh who have touched me with their kindness .

so thank you one and all .

pants xxxx